Money Prosperity - Subliminal Persuasion™ and Guided Meditation CDs, MP3s
Money Prosperity:
Experts say you cannot become rich in your pocket until you become rich in your mind. Wealthy people are not necessarily smarter or harder working than you. Yet, there is a subtle difference in their thinking and self-image that turns whatever they touch into gold. This difference is the "consciousness of prosperity." Prosperity is 98 percent mental preparation and 2 percent outer action. Begin preparing your consciousness to attract the riches you deserve today. Awaken the financial genius in you now! Three Choices for your Subliminal portion. Please listen to Audio Samples
Experts say you cannot become rich in your pocket until you become rich in your mind. Wealthy people are not necessarily smarter or harder working than you. Yet, there is a subtle difference in their thinking and self-image that turns whatever they touch into gold. This difference is the "consciousness of prosperity." Prosperity is 98 percent mental preparation and 2 percent outer action. Begin preparing your consciousness to attract the riches you deserve today. Awaken the financial genius in you now! This set comes with these Four Titles: Money Prosperity 086MS, Money Prosperity Super Consciousness 086SC, Creative Thinking 023MS and Problem Solving 101MS A dynamite combination of 4 titles designed to allow you to live and breathe Prosperity. Each title comes with both Guided Meditation/Night and Subliminal/Anytime versions. Please listen to Audio Sample all the way through to hear the musical difference. All products are Buy 5 and Get the Lowest-Priced Item Free! All items are 100% risk-free, guaranteed. Qualifies as one item towards Buy 5 Get 1 Free offer Save $25.98 on Set
Experts say you cannot become rich in your pocket until you become rich in your mind. Wealthy people are not necessarily smarter or harder working than you. Yet, there is a subtle difference in their thinking and self-image that turns whatever they touch into gold. This difference is the "consciousness of prosperity." Prosperity is 98 percent mental preparation and 2 percent outer action. Begin preparing your consciousness to attract the riches you deserve today. Awaken the financial genius in you now! MS = easy listening music is used on the Subliminal portion of this version. Each title comes with both Guided Meditation/Night and Subliminal/Anytime versions. Please listen to Audio Sample all the way through to hear the musical difference. All products are Buy 5 and Get the Lowest-Priced Item Free! All items are 100% risk-free, guaranteed.
Experts say you cannot become rich in your pocket until you become rich in your mind. Wealthy people are not necessarily smarter or harder working than you. Yet, there is a subtle difference in their thinking and self-image that turns whatever they touch into gold. This difference is the "consciousness of prosperity." Prosperity is 98 percent mental preparation and 2 percent outer action. Begin preparing your consciousness to attract the riches you deserve today. Awaken the financial genius in you now! SCII=Baroque Classical music is used on the Subliminal portion of this version. Additionally, while listening to the Guided Meditation portion you will hear the Subliminal in the background. Each title comes with both Guided Meditation/Night and Subliminal/Anytime versions. Please listen to Audio Sample all the way through to hear the musical difference. All products are Buy 5 and Get the Lowest-Priced Item Free! All items are 100% risk-free, guaranteed.
Experts say you cannot become rich in your pocket until you become rich in your mind. Wealthy people are not necessarily smarter or harder working than you. Yet, there is a subtle difference in their thinking and self-image that turns whatever they touch into gold. This difference is the "consciousness of prosperity." Prosperity is 98 percent mental preparation and 2 percent outer action. Begin preparing your consciousness to attract the riches you deserve today. Awaken the financial genius in you now! MSTR = Master Music, upbeat great for daytime playing is used on the Subliminal portion of this version. Each title comes with both Guided Meditation/Night and Subliminal/Anytime versions. Please listen to Audio Sample all the way through to hear the musical difference. All products are Buy 5 and Get the Lowest-Priced Item Free! All items are 100% risk-free, guaranteed.
Los experios afirman que usted no puede llegar a ser rico hasta que no sea rico primero en su mente. Las personas ricas no son, necesariament, más ricas o más trabajadoras que usted. existe, sin embargo, una sutil diferencia en su modo de pensar y en su estimación propia que hace que lodo lo que loquen se convierta en oro. La diferencia está en la "consciencia de prosperidad." La prosperidad es 98 por ciento preparacion mental y 2 por ciento acción externa. Comience a preparar su consciente ahora mismo para atraer las requezas que se merece.¡Despierte el genio financiero deniro de usted! Each title comes with both Guided Meditation/Night and Subliminal/Anytime versions. Please listen to Audio Sample all the way through to hear the musical difference. All products are Buy 5 and Get the Lowest-Priced Item Free! All items are 100% risk-free, guaranteed.