Guided Meditation / Subliminal Persuasion™
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Taking Exams SCII

SKU: 131SC

Taking Exams SCII

SCII=Baroque Classical music is used on the Subliminal portion of this version. Additionally, while listening to the Guided Meditation portion you will hear the Subliminal in the background.

Each title comes with both Guided Meditation/Night and Subliminal/Anytime versions.

Please listen to Audio Sample all the way through to hear the musical difference.

Do you get a sinking feeling in your stomach when tests are passed out? Do you freeze during exams, even when you know the material and are well prepared? With this program you can overcome the fear that paralyzes and blocks your thinking and recall.

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Guided Meditation / Night

You will hear all content in it's entirety. Generally under 45 minutes.

Subliminal / Anytime

Same content minus ALL suggestions for sleep and relaxation. Then the content is masked with the sounds of music or in some cases Ocean Sounds.

Most titles are listed more than once; each listing contains exactly the same content. It is the sounds used on the Subliminal / Anytime component that varies. the type of music/Ocean used on each Subliminal version can best be understood by the below key and a quick listening of each audio sample

MS / Music Subliminal (MS) - Easy listening music
SCII / Super Consciousness II (SCII) - Baroque classical plus Subliminal / Anytime track lightly in the background of the Guided Meditation / Night component
MSTR / Master Series (MSTR) - Limited edition Series with upbeat music great for daytime use
EW / Emerald Webb (EW) - Emerald Webb is a musical group that created these pieces especially for Potentials Unlimited
FV / Female Voice (FV) - Sandra Bovee reads Barrie's script
OS / Ocean Subliminal (OS) - ONLY the sounds of the Ocean are used

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"I have used your hypnosis tapes/videos/cds for about 30 years. They have helped me with stress, writing, test-taking, etc. I can slip into a meditative state at the sound of your voice, it is great. Thank you! " - Joan Norris posted on Potentials Unlimited's Wall

" I want to give a testimonial on how your self-hypnosis tape, Taking Exams, helped me take and pass the State of Texas Bar Exam with flying colors. I actually finished each section of the Bar exam with 2 hours to spare* (finishing is almost unheard of); I had fun taking it (I must be crazy), and I did exceptionally well. Still to this day, almost 20 yrs later, I still like taking exams! I find taking tests fun, like doing a puzzle, and don't panic over whether or not I know the answer to a certain question. Listening to your tapes helped me to be able to relax and think during the exam, and it also greatly improved my study skills too. I tell everyone about it and give the tapes as presents to those about to go to college or take a huge, life-changing test, like the LSAT, GRE, GMAT or bar exams. Thanks! Tracy L. Austin, Texas*(I had to ask the proctor if I had missed a large portion of the exam, but I had answered every question)." - Tracy L. Austin, Texas

"Oh my god where do I begin. First off I am learning disabled if it wasn't for the Chakra Meditation super consciousness CD set there would be no way in hell I could have gone to a university. Universities require a lot of writing, thesis, reports and stuff. Before I found the chakra cd set I had a VERY difficult time expressing verbally and I literally couldn't write an essay AT ALL. The words in my head would not form. Every time I tried my mind would go completely blank. Also studying was very difficult because my mind kept wondering. If I play the subliminal part of the chakra meditation cd set my mind doesn't wander no wear near as bad and I can study in piece. After a few months of using the CD set, words started to form in my mind that I couldn't express before a flood of thoughts and information was flooding my head but in a good way. It was like someone unlocked my brain and was finally able to receive words sentences and that wasn't there before and was able to communicate and express myself, especially in writing. I also have issues with reading speed and comprehension, the chakra cd set help big time with my reading comprehension it was really noticeable. With the help of the community college that I went to they helped me apply and get in to the university. There were assignments there at the community college I had to do first to get accepted to the university I also had to get A's and B's on all the classes I took to get accepted. Not only did I get accepted to the university, I graduated from it. If it wasn't for the chakra CD set there was no way I could do the assignments let alone graduate from a university, NO WAY. This is information for those who are also learning disabled, and wanted to go to college but the learning disability got in the way. Only by accident I found out about what the chakra CD set could do for someone like me. It was a complete fluke. This is just information I could pass for people to know that if school is extremely difficult, this could help." - Martha, in California

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