Guided Meditation / Subliminal Persuasion™
MP3s, CDs and Select DVDs

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Software for the Mind

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How they are used during the Day

To bring the message to your conscious or awakening mind, I suggest you play the tapes two or more times per week, when you can sit comfortably in a chair and listen to the entire message.

Listening to the program during the day will allow you to consciously experience the pleasant sensations of guided meditation. You will find yourself floating into a dreamy state of mind, much like twilight sleep, or daydreaming. During these times, your conscious mind will become aware of the same message as your subconscious. When your conscious and subconscious both believe the same message, changes happen easily, effortlessly, and automatically.

Read the frequently asked questions for more about our Subliminal Persuasion™ products.


Each of my guided meditation and subliminal mind improvement programs is designed to stimulate and teach you how to use more of your mind. It is your subconscious mind that is the real power center of your being... More >>

Listening to the program during the day will allow you to consciously experience the pleasant sensations of guided meditation. You will find yourself... More >>

Each Tape, CD, or MP3's has a series of suggestions to bring about a pleasant state of relaxation. Playing the program at your regular bedtime will cause you to drift off into... More >>

Let's face it. Given your hectic life style, it is unlikely that you will take time during the day to play a meditation tape... More >>

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