Frequently Asked Questions
How to Use the Programs
- Before doing anything else, listen to the Guided Meditation side of the cassette tape or track 1 of the CD. Do so while in a comfortable position, in a place and at a time when you are not likely to fall asleep and or to be disturbed. NEVER PLAY THE GUIDED MEDITATION VERSION IN A MOVING CAR, or when you need to remain fully alert. You will find the entire program and all the subliminal suggestions are explained clearly on this side or track for your peace of mind and in order that both your conscious and subconscious minds may begin working in harmony towards achieving your goals.
- You may now begin listening to the subliminal program on your cassette or CD as you wish for as many times per day as is convenient. This subliminal version is the same as the guided meditation version, but without the relaxation exercises and with specially-composed music added to create a pleasant background. It can be effective as a gentle background sound to other activities: reading, walking, gardening, jogging or working.
- Each night, just before sleep, listen to the guided meditation program. Playing the tape or CD at this time may help you towards deep, natural and restful sleep. Should you fall asleep during the tape, you can still benefit from the entire program since your subconscious mind never sleeps.
- Listen to the guided meditation program as often as possible other than your bed time, in a place and at a time when you are not likely to fall asleep, as in Step 1.
Continue to follow Steps 1 - 4 for at least 30 days, even when you feel you have achieved your goal, or even if you are not aware of changes taking place. It will take time to neutralize and alter past behavior patterns and to reinforce new behavior until it becomes second nature.
Each Potentials Unlimited program has been carefully researched and designed to help you change your life. Used as instructed, you can begin to experience change within as little as 30 days.
How Subliminal Persuasion™ Works
It works by reprogramming your subconscious mind. When your subconscious programming is positive, your life is positive. If your mind is filled with fears, anger, jealousy, hate, pain and limitations of every description, so is your life. If your mind is filled with joy, love, and confidence, your life is pleasurable, peaceful and prosperous. As an adult, you are responsible for programming your mind and for eliminating negative programming which causes you to lose friends, argue, develop ulcers, have high blood pressure and fail to achieve the success and fullness of life that you desire.
Program Formats
Cassette Tape ( Music Subliminal ) - Subliminal Persuasion™ enables you to accelerate desired changes. Side 1 contains the Subliminal Persuasion message. The same message can be heard in its entirety on Side 2, the Guided Meditation version. Specially composed music and ocean sounds are also used to enhance the auditory suggestions on this program. This is a one-tape format with music/subliminal on one side, and guided meditation on the other. With 160 titles available, the music is easy listening in the subliminal version. This format gives the user the option of playing the subliminal side, or the self-hypnotic side. Use both versions for best results.
CD ( Music Subliminal ) - This is a one-CD format. Track 1 is the self-hypnosis program, and track 2 is the subliminal program.
SCII ( Super Consciousness II ) - 2 Cassette Set, two tape format with 23 titles, Super Consciousness two-tape features Baroque classical music which has been proven to aid the subliminal messages.
SCII ( Super Consciousness ) - 2 CD Set, also available in CD. One CD with the guided meditation and music as above, the 2nd CD with subliminal messages, repeated twice with no intro.
Guided Meditation ( Night Version ) - While you are listening to the SC II hypnotic version, subliminal messages play in the background. Both sides of cassette 1 are the same, no rewinding needed.
Subliminal ( Day Version ) - Both sides of the SC II 2nd cassette are subliminal for continuous play in the car, at work, or any time you cannot listen to the Guided Meditation night Version.
Our Subliminal Persuasion™ video tape enables you to enjoy the benefits of perfectly blended sight and sound while you relax and enjoy the soothing scenes of spectacular waterfalls, lush tropical foliage, and majestic waves rolling onto magnificent Hawaiian islands.
Visual suggestions are subliminally recorded at specific intervals within the picture, in such a way that your conscious mind will be unable to perceive them. However, they will be read by your ever-aware subconscious. These subliminal suggestions are presented visibly as part of the introductory remarks on the video. Auditory suggestions for change are masked by specially composed music and the relaxing sounds of the ocean.
Potentials Unlimited® is a Registered Trademark
of I.M.P.A.C.T. Publishing, Inc.